_Death Row_[24]

Игрок в розыске Охотничьим клубом
Жизни: 18093709/ 18093709
  • Здоровье458438
  • Сила485629
  • Ловкость501838
  • Выносливость442273
  • Хитрость486281
  • Внимательность455236
  • Харизма55693
  • Подрывник80798/501
    Звание: Брат Админа
  • Охотник3335/90000
    Звание: Герой
  • Модификатор18303/1000
    Звание: Великий изобретатель
  • Крысолов17385/4500
    Звание: Король крысомах
  • Портной500/500
    Звание: Швец
  • М-65
  • М-100
  • М-1
  • М-65
  • М-65
  • М-65
  • М-60
  • М-40
#3 #0 #16
#50 #0 #20
#76 #0 #83
  • Респект: 831642
  • Учеников: 5
  • Побед: 106659
  • Награблено: 2,147,483,647
  • Клановое звание:
    Лейтенант [10]
  • Известность на митингах:
    Идеолог протеста
  • Сэнсэй: ффифа
  • Респ.: 831642 Ученики: 5
  • Побед: 106659
  • Награбил: 2,147,483,647
левая рукаспинаправая рука

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Медвежонок Thug

Медвежонок Thug

Беговой питомец

Медведь [60]

Шмотки с VIP-показов

Ruger SE .45
Легкая шляпа «Inspiration»
Летний костюм Ralph Lauren
Замшевые лоуферы «Blue Suede» от Larson

Как же мне не хватает до полного счастъя мосвар!

Пол: Мужской
Я в соц. сетях:
О себе:

Here I am, writing to my best friend,
tired of the world, staying at the dead-end.
Just feeling alone, I can't even pretend,
that I am happy and act like nothing happened.

I have met you back in the days at May.
I still remember it like it was yesterday,
When you were asking for help in the forum of the game,
why did the bonuses you had bought did not came..

You had lighted a spark of joy in me,
which will continue to burn eternally.
Spending all of these hours with you,
Brought to my life something new.

And once again you left, but something wasn't right,
you didn't even said a word, you didn't write.
Everything was bright, but suddenly became dark.
And all of these, left me a mark.

Days by days, I was waiting for the stewardess,
I was worried, but I could only guess,
what was the reason for this tangly mess.
Days were passing, but I could not forget.

After a month or two of anguish,
It happened, and you came back.
But you didn’t even wish to contact.
And I didn’t know how to react.

Everything became black and dark,
Leaving me torn apart from questions,
Leaving me with no directions.

I miss you my friend.
Will wait for you eternally, Nelly.
∞ vlsun ∞

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